5.4 Lows

ConsenSys Diligence


  • This finding was a ConsenSys Diligence audit of Umbra where it was a low severity finding related to access control and input validation in which potential edge cases for hook receiver contracts were not documented or validated.\

    For context, there were very few constraints on arguments to certain external calls in the Emperor contract. Anyone could force a call to a hook contract by transferring a small amount of tokens to an address that they controlled and withdrawing those tokens by passing the target address as the hook receiver.\

    The recommendation was for the developers to document and validate such external function calls and untrusted parameters for potential edge cases. This is related to validation of function parameter arguments in 138 and 139 and broad aspects of access control specification in 148 and tests in 155 that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices 201 module.

  • Another low severity finding from ConsenSys Diligence audit of Umbra was related to access control and logging, where there was missing access control for DeFiSaverLogger.log, which was used as a logging aggregator within the system, but anyone could create logs. The recommendation was to add access control to all functions appropriately.\

    This is related to broad aspects of access control implementation in 149 and auditing and logging in 173 that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices to one module.

DeFi Saver

This finding was a ConsenSys Diligence audit of DeFi Saver where it was a low severity finding related to error checking, where return value was not used for token utils' withdraw()' tokens.

For context the return value of withdraw()' tokens, which represented the actual amount of tokens that were transferred, was never used in the entire repository. This could cause discrepancy in the case where the requested transfer amount was type(uint256).max' for some reason, in which case the amount actually transferred would be less than that requested and returned back, but never checked.

The recommendation therefore was to check the return value to validate the withdrawal and use that in the event committed.

This is related to function return values in 142 and accounting issues in 171 that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices to one module.

Fei Protocol

This finding was a ConsenSys Diligence audit of the Fei Protocol where it was an low severity finding related to application logic, where governorAlpha proposals could be cancelled by the proposer, even after they had been accepted and queued.

For context, governorAlpha allows proposals to be cancelled via cancel, but a proposal could cancel proposals in any of pending, active, cancelled, defeated, succeeded, queued or expired states.

The recommendation was to prevent proposals from being cancelled unless they were in pending or active states.

This is related to function invocation timeliness and order in 143 and 145, the broad aspects of ordering in 178 and business logic in 191 that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices to one module.


This finding was a ConsenSys Diligence audit of eRLC where it was a low severity finding related to access control and timing. For context, the KYCadmin had the ability to freeze the funds of any user at any time by revoking the KYCmember role, the trust requirements from users could be slightly decreased by implementing a delay on granting this ability to new addresses. Such a delay could also help protect the development team and the system itself in the event of a private key compromise of the KYCadmin.

The recommendation therefore was to use a TimelockController as the KYC default admin of the eRLC contract.

This is related to OpenZeppelin's Timelock controller library we discussed in 182 of Solidity 201 module and time delay change of critical parameters in 163, along with broader aspects of access control changes in 153, timing in 177 and trust issues in 181, that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices 201 module.


This finding was a ConsenSys Diligence audit of 1inch where it was a low severity finding related to denial of service (DoS), where hard-coded Gas assumptions were pointed out as being problematic because Gas economics and Ethereum have changed in the past, and made a change again (with the recent EIP1559), potentially rendering the contract system unusable in the future.

The recommendation was to be aware of this potential limitation and be prepared by documenting and validating for situations where Gas prices might change in a way that negatively affected the contracts.

This is related to Gas impact on denial of service in 42, 43 and 44 of security pitfalls and best practices 101 module and broader aspects of Gas issues in 182 of security pitfalls and best practices to a one module.

Growth DeFi

  • This finding was a ConsenSys Diligence audit of Growth DeFi where it was a low severity finding related to access control and least privilege mechanism, where system states, roles and permissions were not sufficiently restricted.\

    Smart contract code should strive to be strict, where it behaves predictably, is easier to maintain and increases the system's ability to handle non-ideal conditions. Whereas many of Growth DeFi states roles and permissions were loosely defined.\

    The recommendation was to document and monitor the use of administrative permissions and also specify strict operational requirements for each contract as it pertains to roles and permissions.\

    This is related to access control specification implementation and changes in 148, 149 and 153 and broader aspects of access control issues in 172 and principle of least privilege in 192 that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices to one module.

  • Another low severity finding from ConsenSys Diligence audit of Growth DeFi was related to specification and access control, where the concern was about tokens with non-standard behavior, such as ERC777 callbacks which would enable an attacker to execute potentially arbitrary code during the transaction or inflationary deflationary and rebasing tokens. The recommendation was to evaluate all tokens prior to inclusion in the system.\

    This is related to token deflation via fees in 107 token inflation we are interest in 108 garden launch we asset types in 129 and broader aspects of token handling in 159 system specification and documentation in 136 and 137 and accounting issues in 171 that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices 201.

  • Another low severity finding from ConsenSys Diligence audit of Growth DeFi was related to initialization and timing, in which many contracts allowed users to deposit or withdraw assets before the contracts were completely initialized, or while they were in a semi-configured state.\

    Because these contracts allowed interaction on semi-configured states the number of configurations possible when interacting with the system made it very difficult to determine whether the contracts behaved as expected in every scenario or even what behavior was expected from them the first place. The recommendation was to prevent contract from being used before they were entirely initialized.\

    This is related to broad aspects of initialization issues in 166 and also the timing and ordering issues in 177 and 178 that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices to one module.

  • Another low severity finding from ConsenSys Diligence audit of Growth DeFi was related to denial of service (DoS) in which there was a potential for resource exhaustion by external calls performed within an unbounded loop.\

    For context, requestFlashLoan performed external calls in a potentially unbounded loop, and in the worst case, changes to system state could make it impossible to execute that code due to the block Gas limit. The recommendation was to reconsider that logic or bound the loop.\

    This is related to the Gas impact on denial of service in 42, 43 and 44 of security pitfalls and best practices 101 module and broader aspects of denial of service in 176 and Gas issues in 182 of security pitfalls and best practices to one module.


This finding was a ConsenSys Diligence audit of Paxos where it was a low severity finding related to stale privileges and access control in which old owners could never be removed. For context, the intention of setOwners was to replace the current set of owners with a new set of owners. However the isOwner mapping was never updated, which meant that any address that was ever considered an owner was permanently considered as an owner for purposes of signing transactions.The recommendation was to change setOwners in such a way that, before adding new owners, it would loop through the current setOwners and clear the isOwner booleans.

This is related to aspects of access control implementation and changes in 149 and 153 and broad aspects of access control issues in 172 that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices 201 module.

Aave V2

This finding was a ConsenSys Diligence audit of Aave V2 where it was a low severity finding related to potential manipulation of interest rates using flash loans. Remember that flash loans allow users to borrow large amounts of liquidity from the protocol. Because of that, it was possible in Aave to adjust the stable interest rate up or down momentarily by removing or adding large amounts of liquidity to reserves. Given that, this type of manipulation is difficult to prevent especially when flash loans are available. The recommendation was for Aave to monitor the protocol at all times to make sure that interest rates were being rebalanced to same values.

This is related to aspects of flash loans in 120 and Scarcity in 186 and auditing and logging issues in 173 of security pitfalls and best practices 201 module.

Aave Governance DAO

This finding was a ConsenSys Diligence audit of Aave governance DAO where it was a low severity finding related to validation, in which the concern was that because some protocol functionality relied on correct token behavior problems could arise. If a malicious token (one in which the balance could be manipulated) were to be whitelisted, it could block people from voting with that specific token or gain unfair advantage. The recommendation was to make sure to audit any new whitelisted asset.

This is related to aspects of carded launch via composability limit in 132 token handling in 159 external interactions in 180 and dependency issues in 183 of security pitfalls and best practices 201.

Aave CPM

This finding was a ConsenSys Diligence audit of Aave CPM where it was a low severity finding related to a risk of integer underflow, if token decimals were to be greater than 18 because in the latestAnswer function, an assumption was made that token decimals was less than 18. The recommendation was to add a simple check to the constructor to ensure that the added token had 18 decimals or less.

This is related to dangers of integer overflow underflow we discussed in number 19 of security pitfalls and best practices 101 module and system specification and documentation in 136, 137 and broader aspects of data validation in 169 and numerical issues in 170 of security pitfalls and best practices 201 body.

Trail of Bits

DFX Protocol

This finding was a Trail of Bits audit of DFX protocol where it was an undetermined severity finding related to patching, in which the system used a deprecated old version of the Chainlink price feed API aggregator interface throughout the contracts and the test. For example, the duplicated function latestAnswer was used, which is not present in the latest API reference aggregator interface V3. In the worst case scenario, the deprecated API could cease to report the latest values which would very likely cause protocol liquidity providers to incur losses.

The recommendation was to use the latest stable versions of any external libraries or contracts used by the code panes as external dependencies. This is related to the broad aspects of configuration issues of number 165, external interaction issues of number 180 and dependency issues of 183. We discussed in security pitfalls and best practices 201 module.

Liquidity Protocol

This finding was a Trail of Bits audit of Liquidity Protocol where it was a low severity finding related to reentrancy. There was a concern that reentrancy could lead to incorrect order of emitted events because there were events emitted after external calls in some functions.

In the case of a reentrant call, such events would be emitted in the incorrect order (i.e the event for the second operation would be emitted first, followed by the event for the first operation causing any off-chain monitoring tools to have an inconsistent view of on-chain state).

The recommendation was to apply the checks-effects-interactions pattern and move the event emissions before the external calls to avoid any effects of a potential reentrancy.

This is related to reentrancy vulnerabilities in number 13 of security pitfalls and best practices 101 module along with broader aspects of timing issues in 177 and auditing logging in 173 that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices 201 modules.

Origin Dollar

This finding was a Trail of Bits audit of Origin Dollar where it was a low severity finding related to variable shadowing. There was a concern that a variable shadowing in OUSD from ERC20 could result in undefined behavior.

For context, OUSD inherited from ERC20, but redefined the allowances and totalSupply private state variables. Because of which accessing those variables could lead to returning different values from what was expected. Note that these were private state variables and so, the one in ERC20 was not visible in OUSD. The concern was more of developer clarity than the variable scope and visibility. The recommendation was to remove the shadowed variables in OUSD.

This is related to state variable Shadowing in 106 and 136 of Solidity 201 where we saw that Solidity version 0.6.0 made state variable Shadowing an error where the same named state variables were visible or accessible in both base and derived classes. This is also related to the broad aspect of clarity in 188 of security pitfalls and best practices 201 modules.

Yield Protocol

  • This finding was a Trail of Bits audit of Yield Protocol where it was a low severity finding related to access control, where the concern was that permission granting was too simplistic and not flexible enough. For context, Yield protocol implemented several contracts that needed to call privileged functions from each other. However, there was no way to specify which operation could be called for every privileged user. All the authorized addresses could call any restricted function: the owner could add any number of them. Also, the privileged addresses were supposed to be smart contracts, but there was no check for that and moreover, once an address was added, it could not be deleted.\

    The recommendation was to rewrite the authorization system to allow only certain addresses to access certain functions.\

    This is related to access control and trust issues we discussed in 148, 149, 160 and 172 and principles of least privilege in 192 and principle of separation of privilege in 193 of security pitfalls and best practices 201 modules.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of Yield Protocol was related to lack of input validation. For context when fyDAI contract was deployed one of the deployment parameters was a maturity date passed as a unix timestamp. This was the date at which point fyDAI tokens could be redeemed for the underlying time.\

    The contract constructor however performed no validation of that timestamp to ensure that it was within an acceptable range. As a result it was possible to mistakenly deploy a wide-eyed contract that had a maturity date in the past or many years into the future which may not be immediately noticed.\

    The recommendation therefore was to add sanity and threshold checks to the wide eye contract constructor, to ensure that maturity timestamps were within an acceptable range, to prevent maturity dates from being mistakenly set in the past or too far into the future.\

    This is related to system documentation in 137 function parameter validation in 138 and broader aspect of data validation issues in 169 we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices 201 modules.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of Yield Protocol was related to auditing and logging. For context, when a user added or removed a delegate, a corresponding event was emitted to log this operation. However there was no check to prevent the user from repeatedly adding or removing a delegation which could allow redundant events to be emitted repeatedly.\

    The recommendation was to add a require statement to check that the delegate address was not already enabled or disabled for the user to ensure that log messages are only emitted when a delegate is activated or deactivated to prevent bloated logs.\

    This is generally related to redundant constructs in 157 and broad aspects of auditing and logging in 173 that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices to one module.

0x Protocol

This finding was a Trail of Bits audit of Yield Protocol where it was a low severity finding related to auditing and logging. For context, several critical operations did not trigger events which would make it difficult to review the correct behavior of the contracts once deployed. Users and blockchain monitoring systems would not be able to easily detect suspicious behaviors without events.

The recommendation was to add events where appropriate for all critical operations and in the long term to consider using a blockchain monitoring system to track any suspicious behavior in the contract.

This is related to the missing events aspect discussed in 45 of security pitfalls and best practices 101 module and broader auditing logging issues of 173 along with principle of compromise recording of 201 we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices to one module.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of Yield Protocol was related to error handling, in that the function asserts taking pool exists should have returned a boolean to determine if the staking pool existed or not, but it did not use a return statement and therefore would always return false or revert.\

    The recommendation was to add a return statement or remove the return type and change the documentation accordingly.\

    This is related to function return values in 142 and error reporting issues in 175 of security pitfalls and best practices to a one module.

DFX Finance

  • This finding was a Trail of Bits audit of DFX Finance where it was a low severity finding related to undefined behavior. For context, if an operator attempted to create a new curve in the context of the protocol for a base and quote currency pair that already existed, curve factory would return the existing curve instance without any indication of that, causing a naive operator to maybe overlook this issue.\

    The recommendation was to consider rewriting that logic such that it reverted, if a base and code currency pair already existed and provide a view function to check for and retrieve existing curves prior to an attempt at curve creation.\

    This is related to the broad aspect of undefined behavior in 179 and clarity in 188 of security pitfalls and best practices to one module.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of DFX Finance was related to data validation, in that few functions were missing zero-address checks. For example, a zero-address check should have been added to the router constructor to prevent the deployment of an invalid router which would revert upon a call to the zero-address.\

    The recommendation was to review address type state variables to ensure that the code that sets the state variables performs Zero-address checks when necessary as a best practice.\

    This is related to missing Zero-address validation in 49 or security pitfalls and best practices 101 module and broader aspects of function parameters in 138 function invocation arguments and 146 two-step change of privileged roles in 162 and data validation issues in 169 of security pitfalls and best practices to one.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of DFX Finance was related to error handling, in that the custom safeApprove function did not check return values for approve call. For context, the router contract used OpenZeppelin's SafeERC20 library to perform safe calls to ERC20's approve function, but the orchestrator library defined its own safe approve function.\

    This function check that a call to approve was successful, but did not check the return data to verify whether the call indeed returned true. In contrast OpenZeppelin's, safeApprove function checks return values appropriately this issue could have resulted in uncaught approve errors in successful curve deployments causing undefined behavior.\

    The recommendation was to leverage OpenZeppelin's safeApprove function wherever possible and also ensure that all low level calls have accompanying contract existence checks and return value checks where appropriate.\

    This is related to function return values in 142 error reporting issues and 175 and cloning issues in 190 of security pitfalls and best practices 201.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of DFX Finance was related to data validation, in that although SafeMath was used throughout the codebase to prevent underflows and overflows, it was not used in a few calculations.\

    Although the audit could not prove that the lack of SafeMath would cause arithmetic issues in practice, all calculations would benefit from the use of this library.\

    The recommendation was to review all critical arithmetic to ensure that it accounted for underflows, overflows and loss of precision by considering the use of SafeMath and safe functions of ABDKMath where possible to prevent any underflows and overflows.\

    This is related to dangers of integer overflow underflow we discussed in 19 of security pitfalls and best practices 101 module and broader aspects of data validation in 169 and numerical issues in 170 of security pitfalls and best practices 201.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of DFX Finance was related to timing and denial of service (DoS), in that the function setFrozen could be used by the contract owner to front run to deny deposits or swaps. The contract owner could then unfreeze them at a later time.\

    The recommendation was to consider rewriting the setFrozen function, such that any contract freeze would not last long enough for a malicious owner to easily execute an attack or alternatively consider implementing permanent freezes.\

    This is related to the transaction order dependence aspect discussed in 21 of security pitfalls and best practices 101 module denial of service in 176 and trust issues in 181 of security pitfalls and best practices 201.


  • This finding was a Trail of Bits audit of Hermez Network where it was a low severity finding related to denial of service (DoS) by accountCreationSpan. Hermez had no fees on accountCreation and so, an attacker could spam the network by creating the maximum number of accounts. Remember that Ethereum miners do not have to pay for Gas and, so they themselves could spam the network with account creation.\

    The recommendation was to add a fee for account creation and to also monitor account creation and alert users, if a malicious coordinator spam the system.\

    This is related to broad aspects of audit and logging in 173 denial of service in 176 and trust issues in 181 of security pitfalls and best practices 201.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of Hermez Network was related to undefined behavior from using empty functions instead of interfaces, because that leaves contracts errored. For context, withdrawalDelayerInterface was a contract meant to be an interface because it contained functions with empty bodies instead of function signatures, which might lead to unexpected behavior. Contracts inheriting from withdrawalDelayerInterface would not require an override of those functions and so, would not benefit from the compiler checks on its correct interface.\

    The recommendation was to use an interface instead of a contract in withdrawalDelayerInterface, which would make derived contracts follow the interface properly and to also document the inheritance schema of the contracts.\

    This is related to unused constructs in 156, the undefined behavior issues in 179 or security pitfalls and best practices 201.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of Hermez Network was related to data validation in that canceledTransaction could be called on a non queued transaction. Without a transaction existence check in cancelTransaction an attacker could confuse monitoring systems because that emitted an event without checking that the transaction to be cancelled existed.\

    The recommendation was to check that the transaction to be cancelled existed in cancel transaction function to ensure that monitoring tools could rely on limited events.\

    This is related to data validation in 169 and auditing and logging in 173 that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices 201 module.

Advanced Blockchain

  • This finding was a Trail of Bits audit of Advanced Blockchain where it was a low severity finding related to configuration, in that the borrow rate formula used an approximation of the number of blocks mined annually.\

    This number could change across different blockchains and years. The value assumed that a new block was mined every 15 seconds, but on Ethereum min net a new block is mined every 13 seconds approximately.\

    The recommendation was to analyze the effects of a deviation from the actual number of blocks mined annually in borrow rate calculations and document associated risks.\

    This is related to block values as time proxies in 18 of security pitfalls and best practices 101 module and configuration and initialization in 165 and 166 and constant issues at 184 that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices 201 model.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of Advanced Blockchain was related to data validation, in that there were no lower/upper bounds on the flash load rate implemented in the contract. This would therefore allow setting it to an arbitrarily high rate to secure higher fees.\

    The recommendation was to introduce lower and upper bound checks for all configurable parameters in the system to limit privileged users abilities.\

    This is related to function parameter validation in 138 function invocation arguments in 146 and broader aspect of data validation issues in 169 that we discussed in security pitfalls and best practices 201 modules.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of Advanced Blockchain was related to ABI encoder V2 not being production ready. At the time of this audit, given that more than three percent of all GitHub issues for the Solidity compiler were related to experimental features, primarily ABI encoder V2, it had been associated with more than 20 high severity bugs at that point in time.\

    The recommendation was to not use ABI encoder V2 by refactoring the code such that structs do not need to be passed to, or returned from functions, which is a feature enabled by it. This is related to compiler bugs in 77 to 94 of Solidity 101 module and dependency issues in 183 of security pitfalls and best practices 201 modules.


This finding was a Trail of Bits audit of Advanced Blockchain where it was a low severity finding related to rpivileged roles, in which the contract owner having too many privileges compared to standard users of the protocol. Users could lose all of their assets if a contract owner's private keys were to be compromised. The contract owner could, for example, do the following:

  • Upgrade the system's implementation to steal funds.

  • Upgrade the tokens implementation to act maliciously.

  • Increase the amount of high tokens for remote distribution to such an extent that rewards could not be dispersed.

  • Arbitrarily update the interest model contracts.

Such concentration of privileges created a single point of failure and increased the likelihood that the owner would be targeted by an attacker, especially given the insufficient protection on sensitive owner private keys. Additionally it incentivized the owner to act maliciously.

The recommendations were:

  • Clearly document the functions and implementations the Owner could change.

  • Split privileges to ensure that no one address had excessive ownership of the system.

  • Document the risks associated with privileged users and single points of failure.

  • Ensure that users were aware of all the risks associated with the system.

This is related to access control and trust issues we discussed in 148, 149, 160 and 172 and principle of least privilege in 192 and principle of separation of privilege in 193 of security pitfalls at best practices 201.

Sigma Prime

Synthetix Ether Collateral Protocol

  • This finding was a Sigma Prime audit of Synthetix Ether Collateral Protocol where it was a low severity finding related to data validation, in which the concern was that a single account could capture all the supply in the protocol. For context, the protocol did not rely on a MAX_LOAN_SIZE to limit the amount of ETH that can be locked for a loan. As a result, a single account could issue a loan that could reach the total minting supply.\

    The recommendation was to make sure that this behavior was understood and documented, and also considered introducing and enforcing a cap on the size of the loans allowed to be open. This is related to ETH handling in 158 data validation in 169 and numerical and accounting issues in 170 and 171 of security pitfalls and best practices to one module.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of Synthetix Ether Collateral Protocol was related to insufficient input validation, specifically in that the EtherCollateral constructor did not check the validity of the addresses and other types provided as input parameters. This, for example, made it possible to deploy an instance of the contract with critical addresses set to zero.\

    The recommendation was to consider introducing required statements to perform adequate input validation. This is related to missing zero-address validation in 49 of security pitfalls and best practices 101 module and broader aspects of function parameters in 138 function invocation arguments in 149 and data validation issues in 169 or security pitfalls and best practices 201.


  • This finding was a Sigma Prime audit of InfiniGold where it was a low severity finding related to unintentional token burning in transferFrom. For context, InfiniGold allowed users to convert their PMGT tokens to gold certificates, which were digital artifacts effectively redeemable for actual gold. To do so, users were supposed to send their PMGT tokens to a specific burn address. However, the transferFrom function did not check its to address parameter against this burn address, which would allow users to accidentally send their tokens to the special burn address using the transferFrom function without triggering the emission of the burn event, which dictated how the gold certificates were created and distributed, so effectively users would lose their tokens without redeeming them for gold certificates.\

    The recommendation was to prevent sending tokens to the burn address in the transferFrom function by adding a require within transferFrom, which disallow the two address to be the burn address. This is generally related to missing zero-address validation in 49 of security pinfalls and best practices 101 module and broader aspects of function parameters in 138 function invocation arguments in 146 data validation in 169 accounting issues in 171 and error reporting issues in 175 of security pitfalls and best practices 201.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of Advanced Blockchain was related to denial of service from unbounded lists. For context, the reset function reset the role linked list by deleting all its elements. Calling the reset function would exceed the block Gas Limit, 8 million, at the time of the audit for more than 371 total elements in the role linked list. Similarly, other functions also looped through linked lists which meant that certain protocol actors could perform denial of service attacks on the lists they administered.\

    The recommendation was:

    • Either check that the linked list size is strictly less than 371 elements before adding a new element or

    • use the gasLeft Solidity primitive to make sure that traversing the linked list did not exceed the block Gas Limit at any point or

    • Change reset to take a specific number of elements as a function parameter

    This is related to the Gas impact on DoS in 42, 43 and 44 of security pitfalls and best practices 101 module and broader aspects of denial of service in 176 and Gas issues in 182 of security pitfalls and best practices 201.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of Advanced Blockchain was related to front running. For context, the ERC20 approve function was vulnerable to front running.\

    The recommendation was to be aware of Front-running issues and approved and potentially use OpenZeppelin's library with increaseAllowance() and decreaseAllowance() functions with the caveat that deviating from the ERC20 standard to address this issue could lead to backward incompatibilities with external third-party software. This is related to transaction order dependence in 21 and ERC20 approved Race-condition in 22 of security pitfalls and best practices 101 module along with ERC20 approved Race-condition in 105 and broader aspects of timing issues in 177 of security pitfalls and best practices 201 module.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of Advanced Blockchain was related to rounding issues. The concern was about the rewardRate rounding to zero if duration was greater than reward. The rewardRate value was calculated as reward divided by duration, and due to the integer representation of these variables, if duration were to be larger than reward, the value of rewardRate would round down to zero. Thus, stakers would not receive any reward for their stakes and there would be other implications as well such as collection of dust tokens.\

    The recommendation was to be aware of the rounding issue and also consider providing a way to claim the dust SNX rewards from rounding. This is generally related to divide before multiply in number 20 of security pitfalls and best practices 101 module and broadly related to data validation and numerical issues in 169 and 170 of security pitfalls and best practices 201 module.

  • Another low severity finding from Trail of Bits audit of Advanced Blockchain was related to event log poisoning. For context, calling the withdrawal function would emit the withdrawal event where no UNI tokens were required because this function could be called with 0. As a result, a user could continuously call this function creating a potentially infinite number of events which could lead to an event log poisoning situation where malicious external users could spam the Unipool contract to generate arbitrary withdrawal events.\

    The recommendation was to consider adding a require or if statement to prevent the withdrawal function from emitting the withdrawal event when the amount variable was zero This is related to validation of function parameters in 138 and auditing and logging in 173 of security pitfalls and best practices 201 module.



  • This finding was a OpenZeppelin audit of HoldeFi where it was a low severity finding related to insolvency. For context, when the value of all collateral is worth less than the value of all borrowed assets, a market is considered insolvent. The HoldeFi codebase could do many things to reduce the risk of market insolvency, such as selection of collateral ratios, incentivizing third-party collateral liquidation, careful selection of tokens listed on the platform, etc...\

    However, the risk of insolvency would not be entirely eliminated and there are numerous ways a market could still become insolvent. This risk is not unique to the HoldeFi project and all collateralized loans. Even non-blockchain ones have a risk of insolvency. However it was important to recognize that this risk does exist, that it could be difficult to recover from it.\

    The recommendation was therefore to consider adding more targeted tests for insolvency scenarios to better understand the behavior of the protocol and designing relevant mechanics to make sure the platform operated properly under such conditions, and also consider communicating the potential risk to the users if needed. This is related to garden launch via asset types and 129 and broader aspects of token handling in 159 system specification and documentation in 136 137 and accounting issues in 171 of security pitfalls and best practices 201.

  • Another low severity finding from OpenZeppelin audit of Advanced Blockchain was related to time checks. The concern was that as part of some calculations and time checks used block.timestamp, which is unreliable because these timestamps can be slightly altered by miners to favor them in contracts that have logic depending strongly on them.\

    The recommendation was to consider taking into account this issue and warning users that such a scenario was possible and, if the alteration of time stamps couldn't affect the protocol in any way. to consider documenting that reasoning and writing tests to enforce that those guarantees would be preserved even if the code changed in future. This is related to weak PRNG and block values is type proxies in 17 and 18 or security pitfalls and best practices 201 module and broader aspects of trusted actors in 160 and timing issues in 177 of security pitfalls and best practices 201 module.

GEB Protocol

This finding was a OpenZeppelin audit of GEB Protocol where it was a low severity finding related to unsafe casting. For example, one of the contracts used an unsigned integer which was cast to a signed integer and then negated. However since uint could store higher values than int, it was possible that casting from uint to int may have created an overflow.

The recommendation was to consider verifying that values of such unsigned integers were within the acceptable range for signed integer type before casting, indicating and to consider using OpenZeppelin's SafeCast library which provides functions for safely casting between types. This is related to OpenZeppelin's SafeCast in 177 of solarity 201 module integer overflow underflow in 19 or security pitfalls and best practices 101 module and broader aspects of data validation and numerical issues in 169 and 170 of security pitfalls and best practices 201.

Opyn Gamma

  • This finding was a OpenZeppelin audit of Opyn Gamma Protocol where it was a low severity finding related to whitelisting. The concern was that the protocol's O token could be created with a non-whitelisted collateral asset. A product consisted of a set of assets and an auction time, and each product had to be whitelisted by the admin using the whitelist product function from the whitelist contract.\

    The recommendation was to consider validating if the assets involved in a product had already been whitelisted before allowing creation of O tokens. This is related to aspects of carded launch via composability limit in 132 token handling in 159 external interactions at 180 and dependency issues in 183 of security pitfalls and best practices 201.

  • Another low severity finding from OpenZeppelin audit of Opyn Gamma Protocol was related to inconsistent state resulting from actions not executed. For context, the setAssetPricing, setLockingPeriod and setDisputePeriod functions of the Oracle contract executed actions that were always expected to be performed atomically. Failing to do so, could lead to inconsistent states in the system.\

    The recommendation was therefore to consider implementing an additional function that calls all three setAssetPricing, setLockingPeriod and setDisputePeriod functions, so that all these actions could be executed atomically in a single transaction. This is related to function invocation timeliness in 143 configuration and initialization in 165 and 166 timing in 177 and undefined behavior issues in 179 of security pitfalls and best practices 201.

  • Another low severity finding from OpenZeppelin audit of Opyn Gamma Protocol was related to using a deprecated Chainlink API. The Chainlink pricer was using multiple functions from the deprecated Chainlink V2 API, such as latestAnswer and getTimestamp. Such functions might certainly stop working if Chainlink stops supporting deprecated APIs.\

    The recommendation was to consider using the latest Chainlink V3 API. This is related to external interaction in 180 and dependency issues in 183 of security pitfalls and best practices to one body.

PoolTogether V3

This finding was a OpenZeppelin audit of PoolTogether V3 Protocol where it was a low severity finding related to data validation. The concern was that funds could be lost, for context the sweepTimelockBalances function accepted a list of users with unlocked balances to distribute. However, if there were duplicate users in the list, their balances would be counted multiple times while calculating the total amount of withdrawal from the yield service, which could lead to loss of their funds.

The recommendation was to consider checking for duplicate users when calculating the amount to withdraw. Rhis is related to token handling in 159 and numerical and accounting issues in 170 and 171 of security pitfalls and best practices 201 module.

Last updated