
To join the Secureum Bootcamp, please join the Secureum Discord and head to the #participate channel.

Participation process is as follows:

  1. LEARN: Participants may learn from the Secureum Substack, the Secureum Youtube Channel and the LEARN section.

    It is encouraged to look at the pinned messages in channels under Bootcamp Epoch 0 for both the content and their quizzes/answers.

    A compilation of Epoch 0 content is available at 0xTaylor's Secureum Mind Map. It is also strongly encouraged to learn from external content.

  2. RACEReadiness Assessment for CARE Endeavor: Smart contract security challenges (e.g. quizzes) will be planned for last Thursday of ~every month and timely details will be announced in the discord channel accordingly.

    Participation in RACEs requires a one-time registering at the Registration form. Registrations will be opened (a few days) before every RACE. First-time registrants will receive an email (a few days after registering) with a RACE Unique Number (RUN), which is the same access code required to participate in all future RACEs.

    Check the messages in the #participate channel for current dates. All registered participants (with RUNs) are welcome to take part in any of the future RACEs with the same RUN access code. Please do not register a second time if you already have a RUN code.

    1. CAREComprehensive Audit Readiness Evaluation: Smart contract security reviews of real-world, security-minded protocols will be held whenever protocols collaborate with Secureum. 16 participants will be invited to participate in a CARE. Their selection will be based on performance in the recent RACE(s). Exact details depend on scheduled protocols/timelines.

    2. CARE-XCARE Extra: Smart contract security initiatives customised with collaborating partners will be held similar to CARE. While Secureum works with collaborating protocol partners on CARE, it will work with other Ethereum security ecosystem partners to collaborate in different ways on CARE-X. CARE-Xs may have their own specific RACE-Xs and selection criteria.

Participation is completely asynchronous and open/free to everyone 👍

In need for a more detailed explanation? Check out patrickd's Bootcamp when-how-where!

RACE Scoring:

  1. If a question has a single option as the correct answer, then choosing anything other/more than that gives 0 points.

    For e.g., If a question has correct answer as B, and BC were entered, will the participant get 1/2 marks? No, they will get 0 and so will choosing anything other/more than B. This is presumably to prevent rewarding supersets of answers i.e. one can lazily choose ABCD as options.

  2. If a question has more than one option, say n options as the correct answer, then the platform allows only choosing up to n options and the partial points rewarded = #chosen-correct-options/n.

    For e.g., if a question has correct answers as AB, and the person chose ABD, will they get 2/3 marks? No, this is not allowed because only 2 options are allowed to be chosen.

    If a question has correct answers as BC, and B was entered, will they get 1/2 marks? Yes.

Last updated